We strongly support Line 5 and its continued operation. Are you with us?

We back Line 5, because Line 5 heats our homes, powers our worksites, and keeps energy affordable across Michigan. Line 5 means jobs. Tens-of-thousands of them.  

During Michigan’s recovery from COVID-19, those jobs are more important than ever. Union jobs. Manufacturing jobs. Chemistry jobs. Service industry jobs. Small business jobs.

Make no mistake – shutting down Line 5 means shutting down Michigan businesses, higher energy prices and lower tax revenues that pay for our schools and roads. Instead, let’s build the Great Lakes Tunnel – a job-creating project that gets Line 5 out of the water and buries it safely, deep below the lakebed where the risk of a spill into the Straits is virtually zero.

We’re standing together to protect Michigan’s energy supply. To protect Michigan’s environment. To protect Michigan jobs.

Join us.